Frequently Asked Questions

Contact me and we can set up a meeting at my office. Bring any plans, pictures and ideas that you may have to help with the process.
It depends on the size and features that go into a house, It's usually between five and seven months. The larger the house the longer it will take.
New homes are covered by the builder for two years and an additional five years for the structure with Atlantic Home Warranty with an option to extend it for ten in total.
Renovations are covered for two years or longer for some of the manufacturers' warranties.
For homes and renovations we answer call-backs beyond the warranty period.
It depends on the stage of the project but for most days, yes. This would be factored into the closing date of the project.
For new homes it is a deposit, usually $20k at the contract signing which is secured through a Deposit Receipt with Atlantic Home Warranty. Then a 30% mortgage draw at the roof tight stage and another 30% when the drywall is installed. The balance with any extras or credits at the closing.
Renovations can follow a similar schedule if they are large such as additions. Smaller renovations can be paid upon completion. I am flexible to your needs with most situations.
- Morash Construction is a Certified Residential Builder #9751 with
The Nova Scotia Home Builders' Association since 1997. - A member of The Atlantic Home Warranty since 1987.
- A registered R-2000 Builder and Registered for Energuide Rating.
- On the Board of Directors with The Nova Scotia Home Builders' Association.
- Certified Journeyman Carpenter.
- Certified Aging in Place specialist.
For new homes it can be unforeseen excavation costs related to rock breaking or soft soil conditions that are not suitable for bearing of a foundation footing. This will be addressed in the contract. Sometimes a preliminary excavation of part of the site can reveal conditions not visible from the surface.
For renovations it could be anything that might be hidden from a preliminary site visit such as rot in framing or improper wiring or plumbing.
Yes, we just have to take extra precautions to protect the ground and foundation from frost and freezing.
If this happens we can appoint an arbitrator from Atlantic Home Warranty.
Yes it often happens. Usually it is a small shrinkage crack that does not affect the slab's integrity. However, if it is a situation where the slab is settling excessively due to poor bearing conditions, a repair may be required.
Not always. Lumber shrinks and sometimes bends so nails can be pushed out slightly and joints can crack. Our policy is to return within a year after the drying out and touch up the areas. The owner is then responsible for the paint touch ups since there are usually other areas that would require painting at that time as well.
Certainly. We understand that the wishes of our clients can change as the project moves along.
Not always. Delays can arise from changes to the scope of work added by the client or weather conditions can delay exterior work. I always allow some extra time for those things and you will be updated as the project progresses and the closing date approaches.